About organizers

About CSIC

The China Structural Integrity Consortium (CSIC) is a non-profit academic organization committed to promoting academic exchanges, advancing scientific research, facilitating engineering applications, and disseminating knowledge specifically in the realm of structural integrity. Its origins can be traced back to 2002, spearheaded by a consortium of universities and research institutes that have historically participated in joint research focused on structural integrity, especially concerning the safety technology of pressure vessels and pipelines. In 2003, the inaugural International Fracture Mechanics (FM) Symposium took place in Shanghai. As the discipline and its application areas broadened, the FM series of conferences transitioned in 2010 to the International Symposium on Structural Integrity (ISSI), with member institutions rotating the responsibility of organization. In November 2012, following extensive discussions and consultations among the Materials Division, Pressure Vessel Division, and Failure Analysis Division of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering, the decision was made to collaboratively establish the CSIC. The latest ISSI took place in Dongguan from November 5th to 8th, 2024. 
More about CSIC:  www.china-sic.net

About ESIS

The European Society for Structural Integrity (ESIS) is an esteemed international non-profit engineering scientific society. Its primary mission is to foster and enhance knowledge surrounding all facets of structural integrity and to disseminate that knowledge widely. The overarching goal is to elevate the safety and performance of structures and their components. The origins of the European Structural Integrity Society can be traced back to November 1978 during a summer school event in Darmstadt, Germany. Initially, it was known as the European Group on Fracture. From 1979 to 1988, several technical committees were established, with the Elasto-Plastic Fracture Mechanics committee being the first among them. The initial vision was to emulate the work of the ASTM committee in Europe. Dr. L.H. Larsson from the European Commission Joint Research Centre served as the inaugural president of the European Structural Integrity Society. Currently, ESIS comprises a total of 24 technical committees and national groups across all European countries. The present president of ESIS is Prof. Aleksandar Sedmak from the University of Belgrade in Serbia.
More about ESIS: www.esis.site

About DIVK

The Society for Structural Integrity and Life (Serbian Društvo za integritet i vek konstrukcija "Prof. Dr. Stojan Sedmak", or simply DIVK) is a non-governmental, non-profit society of experts engaged in the practical application of the theory of fracture mechanics. Founded in 2001, today the Society has more than 240 registered members and engages in a number of activities such as seminars, publications, cooperation with other societies, and more. The journal "Structural Integrity and Life" is published by DIVK.
The Society aims to master contemporary theoretical, numerical, and experimental methods for structural integrity assessment in order to apply them to ensure in-service safety and reliability and to extend their design life, enable the prevention of failures to minimize the risk of endangering human lives and polluting the environment, and improve the level of education and publishing in the field.
More about DIVK: divk.inovacionicentar.rs